Students Start Weightlifting Club

Matthew Schaffer, Student Reporter

Logic 4 Lifters held their third meeting on Thursday to inspire healthy lifestyles and share workout tips among Marshall students.

“Our main priority of the club is to get rid of gym intimidation,” Jadon Lewis, president of Logic 4 Lifters, said. “Beginners go into the gym constantly and are worried, anxious and don’t want to go in there.”

Lewis got the idea for forming the club after he was approached by fellow students about form and techniques when working out at the campus rec center.

The Logic 4 Lifters club meets bi-weekly to discuss ways to achieve healthy lifestyles. Each meeting has a topic discussion ranging from advice on diet and supplements to tips on workout forms and improving mental health.

“We talk about gym stuff like lifting and training,” Lewis said. “Really, we want to keep everyone healthy and form healthy habits. Having physical activity in your daily routine is proven to help mentally.”

Logic 4 Lifters emphasizes all aspects of harboring a healthy lifestyle and assures all students are welcome, regardless of their experience or knowledge of fitness. However, Lewis emphasized that a primary goal is to create a sense of community.

“This club is a safe space,” Lewis said. “It’s a group discussion where you can talk about your experiences if you feel comfortable.”

Lewis emphasized the club’s open-door policy in which students can always swing by one of the club’s meetings to learn more about Logic 4 Lifters.

“Come straight in,” Lewis said. “You don’t have to be a member to come to the club. You can stay for 15 minutes if that’s all you have time for.”

Logic 4 Lifters events can be found on HerdLink, and you can follow the club on Instagram @logic4liftersmu for more information.