Teal Day Kicks off Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Shauntelle Thompson

Alyssa Hager spent Tuesday handing out teal ribbons and making slime with students.

Megan Marie Gragg, Reporter

Teal Day kicks off Sexual Assault Awareness Month at Marshall University with many events to follow.  

  “It’s important for survivors to be reminded that college campus’s things like Title IX and our violence prevention office are here as an available resource ” said Alyssa Hager violence prevention and response coordinator. “The violence prevention office is a great resource, we are connected with a lot of people in the community too, so we can refer you to someone.” 

The first event of many began with Teal Day where Marshall plans to spread awareness on campus by wearing teal and to pass out teal ribbons to students and faculty to wear the whole month of April. The next event is bystander intervention training that will happen virtually on Wednesday. This event can be accessed through HerdLink for students to register. Another event led by a psychology student on Wednesday is trauma informed yoga. This event is free and open to all students and faculty. 

“Next week is our big week, on Monday we have our survivor art installation, and we are asking our survivors to submit their stories on what they were wearing,” said Hager. “Our walk the walk event on April 14th is where students start out at the plaza and walk about a mile around campus, is a great way to show that you stand up for sexual violence.” 

More information about these events and more can be accessed through https://www.marshall.edu/violence-prevention/