Countdown to Commencement Returns for 2022 Graduates
Seniors Visit Countdown to Commencement booths for the first time in 2 years.
March 2, 2022
Everything graduates need before the big graduation day, all in one stop in the countdown to commencement two-day event in the MSC Don Morris room Mar.1 and Mar. 2 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Kathryn Smith, Coordinator of Family and Student Advocacy, described the Countdown to Commencement as a day of celebration for graduating seniors, especially the last years due to COVID.
“The last two years have been extremely hard for seniors, we want to celebrate them and honor all of their accomplishments the best way we can,” Smith said. “Anything they have left on their to-do list for graduation can be done all in one day, in one room, basically a one-stop area so everything can be checked off their list at once.”
Smith also described what would be included within the two-day event and that students would only have to attend one of the two days with a time that works best.

“First thing students will get is an access pass to many different tables and stations, such as Alumna Relations, Jostens, Brad. D Smith College of Business, and Marshall Bookstore so they can purchase their cap and gown, stoles, tassels,” Smith said. “Financial aid will be in attendance for students to close out loans, do exit counseling, or whatever needs to be crossed off their list.”
Smith expressed Marshall wants this to be a day to celebrate how far these graduates have come and to make it as upbeat and fun as possible.
“We’re going to have WMUL there playing music, a thank you card station where students can write to whoever has helped them along the way, GradImages will be there to take pictures of students in their cap and gown, a cap decorating station, cornhole and so much more,” Smith said.
Lillian Lucas, a senior at Marshall University said she plans on attending and has been looking forward to this event.
“I am most excited to take cap and gown pictures. I will be the first person in my family to graduate college, so I am really looking forward to commemorating that,” Lucas said.
Smith said all in all the meaning behind the Countdown to Commencement is much more than celebration, it’s an achievement of another significant milestone completed.
“With COVID 19 shutting everything down these students got the brunt of all that, they were here the two years when things were normal, so it’s even more of a celebration to appreciate how far they’ve come,” Smith said.
April 2022 Graduates looking to participate can do so by attending one of the two days provided, Mar. 1 and Mar. 2 10a.m to 6p.m in the MSC Don Morris Room.