Twice the music, twice the Olivia

Friends showcase voice and violin in dual recital

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Olivia Hay and Olivia Watson

Olivia Hay and Olivia Watson will perform their junior recital 3 p.m. Sunday at the Marshall University Smith Recital Hall.

Hay said they will perform musical selections separately and then close the recital with a duet together.

“Violin and voice together is really uncommon too, so it’s kinda fun to take the path less trotted,” Hay said.

Watson, vocalist, will be singing pieces including a cycle called “The Confession Stone” by Robert Fleming, “Amour! Viens aider ma faiblesse” by Camille Saint-Saëns, Robert Schubert pieces and other selections.

Hay, violinidt, said she will perform Beethoven’s Violin Sonata No.5 (“Spring” sonata), the scherzo from “F-A-E Sonata” by Johannes Brahms and a piece by Howard Boatwright, a duet she will perform with Watson.

“I’m so used to singing with pianists and guitar players,” Watson said. “So it’s really nice to sing with somebody that’s on a different instrument.”

Hay began violin when she was nine years old. She performed in recitals throughout her childhood. Hay said she performed more as the years progressed. She is majoring in music education and performance.

“There’s a saying somewhere that says, ‘Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life,’ and I really feel that way about music and teaching,” Hay said.

Watson began singing at six years old. She performed with her dad, a guitarist, in shows around the state.

“Music has been a huge part of my life for a really long time and it’s a big passion of mine,” Watson said. “And I want to be able to instill that same inspiration to kids one day when I start teaching.”

Mikaela Keener can be contacted at [email protected].