Marshall launches Violence Prevention and Response program

Marshall University has a new Violence Prevention and Response program to educate students about the risks of sexual and interpersonal violence. 

Liv Giovingo, the program coordinator of the Violence Prevention and Response program discussed the program and how it aims to help students. 

Giovingo said, “It is a Violence Prevention Response program that is dedicated to educating the campus community on issues of sexual violence and interpersonal violence. We do that through awareness campaigns and a lot of marketing to make sure that students know we exist. We are also here to help students if they need any help navigating the criminal justice system.” 

Giovingo noted the program is not confidential and must report things to Title IX, and that the program works closely with other programs at Marshall and has a special focus on preventive and educational efforts. 

Giovingo said, “The biggest thing this program has added is the amount of dedication to education and prevention programs. We have been able to build so much of that bystander intervention program since we have been strictly dedicated to that. It is great that we have the time to dedicate to that educational piece.” 

“There have definitely been some challenges in starting the program and building traction, but we have had a lot of engagement online from students and have connected in a meaningful way through anonymous chats,” said Giovingo regarding the pandemic’s affect on the launch of the program.

Kellie Parkin, a senior criminal justice student at Marshall discussed the importance of the program. 

Parkin said, “The educational aspect behind the program makes me excited because there is not enough information on how bystanders can help. Educating can go a long way in making a difference. I am a criminal justice major who has been involved with several crisis services and had never heard of this new program. Spreading the word is absolutely huge.” 

Giovingo said students who are interested may volunteer for the Violence Prevention and Response Program.  

Giovingo said, “Students are always welcome to help out with our programs if they are interested in advocating for this type of awareness. We are always open to students getting involved.” 

For further information, The Violence Prevention and Response Program has information on their website for Domestic Violence Awareness Month. 

The program is located in the Rec Center at the Wellness Suite behind the front desk. 

Alex Jackson can be contacted at [email protected].