Buddy System club pairs students to attend campus events
Buddy System club members paint pumpkins during event Tuesday, Oct. 8 in INTO Center lobby.
When in need of a buddy, students who are looking to go to events can be paired with other interested students through one of Marshall University’s clubs.
“A lot of people don’t like to go to events by themselves, so they will usually choose not to,” said Rebecca Harrah, president of Buddy System.
This is the premise behind Buddy System. Harrah said the organization has been around for a few years and was refocused and renamed Buddy System about two years ago.
“The goal of it is to create a link between everyone on campus, so that way, if you want to go to an event on campus but your friends are out of town or something like that, or you just don’t have anyone that’s interested in that area, you can contact us, and we will see if we have a member going or someone that would be willing to go with you,” Harrah said.
The Buddy System works to connect students on Marshall’s main campus, as well as its satellite campuses, such as in South Charleston.
“I’m originally from the South Charleston campus of Marshall University,” Matthew Jordan, vice-president of Buddy System, said. “My adviser there talked to me about this club, so I decided to join it.”
Jordan said the organization has helped him with more than just finding events and people to attend with.
“It’s given me leadership skills, it’s boosted my communication skills and it’s helped me realize that I can do more than I ever thought I could,” Jordan said.
Buddy System members meet once a week to hang out, plan future outings and events and see what everyone is doing throughout the week, which gives other members event options with people they know, Harrah said.
“We’ll go to events and we’ll advertise events, but we also host our own,” Harrah said.
Buddy System painted pumpkins with the INTO Center Tuesday, Oct. 8; they also have a Rooster’s outing planned for Oct. 23 and are planning a Halloween party at the end of the month, Harrah said.
“You get a great sense of family, a great sense of community, and you get to be involved in things you normally wouldn’t be involved with,” Jordan said.
For those interested, more information on the Buddy System can be found on Herdlink.
Brittany Hively can be contacted at [email protected].
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