Greek Week results in tension instead of unity
Greek Life members competed in basketball, soccer, an egg toss and more to strengthen relationships during Greek Week, but the results created disagreements between chapters instead.
Promoting Greek unity was the goal of Greek Week, but to some, it may have weakened the bonds between chapters, said an officer from the Panhellenic Council.
“I feel that there is no more camaraderie in Greek Life this year after Greek Week. If anything, I feel that there may be less,” said Kait McClure, a junior criminal justice major and president of Marshall’s Panhellenic Council. “The idea of Greek Week is for friendly competition, but that is not how it went this year…we are handling it internally.”
Following a tiebreaker trivia game which would decide what sorority would win Greek Week, McClure said there was controversy.
When Matt James, assistant dean of students for involvement, congratulated Delta Zeta for winning Greek Sing, a dance competition, on twitter, some felt it was partial, McClure said.
McClure said she does not believe Matt James’ tweet was unfair “in any form.”
Even though James tweeted directly at Delta Zeta, James still congratulated Alpha Xi Delta on its wins, said McClure, an Alpha Xi Delta member.
“The aftermath included some dirty laundry being aired on social media platforms,” McClure said.
Despite some controversy with Greek Week, Zach Smith, a junior application development major and programming director of Marshall’s Interfraternity Council, said he thinks the events went “pretty well” because Greek Week was run by students.
Smith said this was a good thing because the faculty did not have any strong control of what decisions were made and all decisions could be made amongst students.
With Greek Week being run by students, Smith said he had a busy week organizing the events and competitions.
These competitions consisted of Greek Sing, soccer, volleyball, basketball, trivia, an egg toss and flag football, McClure said. At the end of the week, the tiebreaker trivia game occurred between Delta Zeta and Alpha Xi Delta, McClure said.
This determined the winning sorority of Greek Week, which was Alpha Xi Delta, Smith said. Smith said Alpha Sigma Phi won Greek Week for fraternities.
One of the most important days, Smith said was Unity Day, which was a collaborative effort and consisted of tug of war, egg toss and trivia.
“It shows we care about out chapters and Greek Life as a whole,” Smith said.
Although there may be tension amongst Greek Life, McClure said, “I believe that we will overcome this and become so much better. There has already been conversations in how to enhance Greek unity on our campus, and I cannot wait to get the ball rolling.”
Paige Leonard can be contacted at [email protected].
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