Textbook loan program helps to ease the rising cost of school books

Marshall University’s University College provides a program for students to check out textbooks from the John Deaver Drinko Library for two-hour increments.
University College Academic Counselor Amber Bentley said the Textbook Loan Program is new to Marshall students.
“We started it right after the beginning of fall semester,” Bentley said. “It took us some time to get it approved and set up,”
Bentley said they were not able to advertise to the potential they would have liked, but they have had success with the program.
“Last semester we had over 200 different check outs of the books that we have,” Bentley said.
Bentley said the program is constantly adding books as well.
“The faculty have gotten on board and have suggested books that would help for their classes,” Bentley said.
Students can also help determine what books are added, by logging on and registering for a book they need.
Sophomore Amanda Caudill said she has used the program, and she finds it useful.
“I used this program last semester for my history class,” Caudill said. “I definitely plan on utilizing it this semester,”
Students can check out the textbooks in the library at the resource desk or online as long as the book remains in the library.
Jessica Burford can be contacted at [email protected].