INTO offers students stress relief during midterms
With midterms approaching, INTO Marshall offered students a chance to relieve some stress Monday by hitting a piñata in the INTO Marshall Lobby.
INTO Marshall’s previous stress relief programs include popping bubble wrap, creating a stress ball and zen garden and coloring. According to Kenneth Jones, the student engagement coordinator for INTO Marshall, said he wanted to try something different for this semester’s stress relief program.
“We use a piñata, so students can do physical activity to relieve their stress and frustration from midterms, class and school work,” Jones said.
Jones explained that since he started working at INTO Marshall, the stress relief program has helped students to eliminate the sense of stress, fear and anxiety.
Farhia Adan, graduate business student from Kenya, explained that the program helped her eliminate her stress, especially since it’s her first semester at Marshall University.
“It’s good; it helped me with stress I have from the class and homework I have,” Adan said. “I got to hit the piñata many times and make my stress go away for this moment.”
Jones said midterms and finals are a significant and important time for students, which can drain most students’ time and energy. Jones said the stress relief program’s purpose is to help students have fun and to let students forget about midterms and finals for a while.
“I used to be a student once, and I know the stress feeling of midterms and finals can bring for students,” Jones said. “Students need to study and work hard for the exam, and sometimes it’s not only for one class, but sometimes students need to study for multiple class.”
Tasya Bisma can be contacted at [email protected].
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