Veteran to lecture on changing attitudes toward patriotism
October 23, 2017

Writer, filmmaker, illustrator and veteran Benjamin Busch
Writer, filmmaker, illustrator and veteran Benjamin Busch will lecture Tuesday from 4 to 6 p.m. in Smith Hall 531 about the changing relationship of Americans to patriotism, citizenship and service. The event is sponsored by Marshall University’s Department of Sociology and Antrhopology.
Busch served 16 years as a Marine Corps infantry officer, deploying twice to Iraq, and portrayed Officer Anthony Colicchio for three seasons on the HBO series “The Wire.”
Busch’s lecture, entitled “Skin the Game: The Meaning of Service from Blue Collars to Body Armor in America,” will address what people work for, how labor defines individuals, how unemployment harms identity and how military service is perceived by politics, college and home.
The writer and veteran is the author of memoir “Dust to Dust” and has published work in Harper’s, The New York Times Magazine, River Styx, Guernica and NPR, according to a release from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology.
Busch is the recipient of the Purple Heart and Bronze Star. He teaches nonfiction in the Sierra Nevada College Creative Writing MFA program and lives on a farm in Michigan.
Giles Kyser • Oct 24, 2017 at 12:34 pm
Magnificent warrior, Marine, writer, academician and friend. I wish I could be there to hear him speak. He never fails to inspire. Semper Fidelis Ben!