Police Blotter

Petty Larceny

The INTO center reported that on two occasions, Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, money was stolen from a black lock box, amounting to $130. A white female suspect, 31, was identified and arrested Feb. 3. She admitted to committing the crime and is charged with felony burglary and petty larceny.

Unassigned Incident

A male student on Marshall University’s South Charleston campus received a phone call on Feb. 2 from someone claiming to be from the Department of Homeland Security. The caller threatened to deport the student if he did not transfer money. International students were informed through the INTO program, the international students program and the registrar’s office to not transfer money over the phone to anyone. MUPD asks for anyone to report similar calls asking for money.

Domestic Battery

Feb. 3 in Wellman Hall, a female student reported that while visiting her ex-boyfriend to pick up some belongings, the two began arguing. The victim stated the suspect pushed, grabbed and choked her. MUPD arrested the suspect Feb. 6 on charges of domestic battery with strangulation and possession of a controlled substance.

Heather Barker can be contacted at [email protected]