Students predict, reflect on Trump’s first 100 days in office
Donald Trump’s recent inauguration has gotten many Marshall students thinking about how the first 100 days of a Trump presidency will go.
“I believe that Donald Trump’s first 100 days in office will be awful. I believe that he will lead to World War III,” Logan Sheets said. “I feel like he’ll try to do his best, but in the end it won’t go well.”
Other students, such as Tana Drivers, disagree with such a negative outlook.
“America has lost its meaning,” Drivers said. “I think he’s going to try to make America great again.”
Many others though, while remaining hopeful for the future, are concerned for how the new Commander in Chief will lead the country.
“Hoping that he does poorly is a death sentence to the entire country,” Kris Collins said. “As an American citizen, I do not like him, nor do I like his policies, but I will follow him until he steps into a dark area, an area I feel that is not a good place for America.”
This expression matched many others who are all nervous for the unknown direction Trump will lead the country.
“To be honest, I did not vote for either candidate,” Zackory Poff said. “I’m excited to see what new things come to pass.”
Zachary Runyon was unable to get home to vote this past November, but said he would have voted for Trump if he could have made it home for the polls.
“It’s going to be a very interesting 100 days. It’s going to be a very interesting four years for that fact,” Runyon said.
Kris Adkins expressed his own concerns that Trump is unworthy of the leadership position that he was voted into because of his lack of experience and demeanor. This includes the comments that he has made in regards to women and racial minorities.
While it can be expected that President Trump will make some drastic changes, some students don’t believe he will change the country too drastically.
“I think some people are going to be shocked to see that it’s not the drastic change that people think they are going to see,” Adkins said. “He doesn’t have the power that people think he’s going to have of ruining the country.”
Overall though, Marshall’s campus remains hopeful for the future.
“We should be hopeful because it’s a new president. There is always a chance something good can come from it,” Adkins said. “If we go at it with our heads down and negative about it, then I think every little single minor thing he does wrong will be blown up instead of giving him a chance to actually do something about it.”
Karenann Flouhouse can be contacted at [email protected].
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Tim McKenna • Jan 27, 2017 at 2:58 pm
Thanks for writing the article and giving us the feelings of the students at Marshall. I would be interested in knowing the opinions of the student body in reference to his attacks on the media and in turn the 1st amendment as well as their thoughts on the future of health care in this country with Donald J. Trump as President.
I am a veteran. I am from Barboursviile and my daughters both graduated from Marshall with my youngest a student of Dr. Bailey! Please keep up the good work.
How do I get a copy of the Parthenon?
Tim McKenna
USAF (ret)