Lambda looking to volunteer, contribute more

The Lambda Society held its first meeting for the Spring Semester to welcome in the New Year and to discuss its upcoming events and ideas.
Lambda is based on creating a safe space for the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer plus community to share experiences with a group of people who care for them.
Emily Biles, a double major in social work and theater and secretary for Lambda Society, said the society was created to boost the gay rights movement.
“We’re happy to be a safe space for LGBTQ+ students to vent or to know that they are not alone,” Biles said. “They can come to us and we will let them know that we are here to fight for them and we are here for them.”
Many ideas were given to figure out how this semester can bring better service to students on campus.
Elise Gooding, dietetics major and Vice President of Lambda, said the bake sale they held last year was a great way to network and spent time together.
“We have a lot of members in our GroupMe that will come out if there is something that we do so we feel great that the support is there,” Gooding said. “We even had a few people come up to the table and chatted and volunteered on the spot with us so that was pretty cool. We would like to have more events like this.”
Lambda has hopes of volunteering with bigger organizations outside of Marshall’s campus, such as GLAAD.
“We’re all just super passionate about the LGBTQ+ community,” Biles said. “If we can find more organizations and educate people to want to join us in volunteering for them then that would make me very happy.”
Lambda hosts its meetings in 2w37 in the Memorial Student Center every Monday at 7 p.m.