Annual Herd4Christ clothing giveaway for those in need
Members of Marshall University’s Herd4Christ will have a clothing giveaway Nov. 12 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the 26th Street Church of Christ.
The giveaway, which has been organized by Herd4Christ at least once annually for about 10 years, will include clothing that has been donated by church congregation and group members or that has been specifically purchased for the event.
“It’s something that we have been doing for a while that I think the community and area really benefits from,” said Chris Roberts, Herd 4 Christ campus minister.
Roberts said anyone who has a need for the clothing can attend the event and people who participate can take as many articles of clothing as necessary.
Roberts said any clothing not distributed during the event will be given to either Goodwill or a local homeless shelter.
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