Amicus Curiae continues with historian James Cobb

Marshall University will host an Amicus Curiae lecture Tuesday night.

The guest speaker will be University of Georgia professor James C. Cobb. Cobb is a historian specializing in southern history and he is also the former president of the Southern Historical Association.

Cobb has written several books and scholarly journals for media outlets such as “The New York Times,” “The Los Angeles Times” and “The Wall Street Journal.”

The lecture will focus on how the South has changed since the end of World War II. Since then, the Civil Rights movement in the South has been a huge factor in politics and the economy.

Cobb will answer questions and give Marshall students a better understanding of how the country has once again become polarized over racial tension, economic disparity and political affiliation.

The lecture is called “From Truman to Trump: The South and America since World War II.” This is similar to the title of his 2011 book. The lecture has been updated to discuss the issues that the current presidential election has and what effects it may bring to the Southern states of the U.S.

The lecture will begin at 7 p.m. in the Foundation Hall of the Erickson Alumni Center.