Students asked to keep valuables close after Drinko Library thefts

The suspect on MUPD surveillance footage.
The Marshall University Police Department confirmed an issue of theft in Drinko Library Tuesday morning and warns all students to keep their belongings and valuables close by their side.
The issue was confirmed when a female student claimed to MUPD that she was lured by another female, who claimed to be a student, to come help her with something on the computer. When the student turned around to help the female perpetrator with her computer, a man swooped in from behind and stole the student’s tablet and other belongings.
“Who knows how long this duo has been doing this,” MUPD Chief Jim Terry said. “This is just the first time they got caught.”
The getaway car was spotted parked in the meter lot next to Corbly Hall and looked to be a late model of a maroon Lincoln Continental with license plate number 3YA976 and a West Virginia plate. MUPD encourages all students to give them a call if the vehicle is spotted.
According to MUPD, the thief was a tall, black male of medium build and was not a Marshall student.
“Drinko Library is a safe place where students should be able to go and focus on their studies, so if anyone has information on this they should definitely give us a call,” MUPD Sgt. Scott Ballou said.
If students have any information on this case, they may call 304-696-4356 (304-696-HELP).
Jordan Nelson can be contacted at [email protected].
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