Student Activities plans FEST:2

Marshall University Office of Student Activities brought FEST to campus last spring with the Ying Yang Twin headlining the event. This fall they are bringing it back with FEST: 2 September 18, 2015.

“FEST is a growing music festival recently by the Office of Student Activities that includes music selections from a diverse number of genres with nationally and locally known artists,” said Warren Patrick FEST Advertising Intern.

Students can begin to purchase tickets on August 20, the same day that the line up is announced. Tickets can be purchased and at the Joan C. Edwards Playhouse.

Tickets will cost $20 for any student, faulty and staff with a valid university ID and $30 for non-university/community tickets.

“The national acts will be announced August 20 on all [FEST] social media and to the freshman during Week of Welcome. The local acts are currently being release periodically on Facebook and Twitter,” Patrick said.

Students can stay updated on FEST activities by following the FEST social media accounts on Facebook (FEST:2), Twitter (@MarshallFEST), Instagram (MarshallFEST) and Snapchat (MarshallFEST).

FEST: 2 will be in the spring semester at a Harris Riverfront Park instead of the Ritter Park Amphitheatre to accommodate a larger crowd. There will be five national acts accompanied by five local artists.

“Join us at FEST and if you know any friends from another university or college that loves a good music festival,” Patrick said. “Tell them to get a ticket when they go on sale and #FESTOn.”

Shalee Rogney can be contacted at