Kindred Communications gives back with Chairs Of Change

Kindred Communications has been bringing live music to the Huntington area since 2006. This Thursday Kindred Communications is giving back to the community with Chairs of Change.

Chairs of Change is a charity that benefits the Golden Girl Group Home. The Golden Girl Group Home is based out of Credo that takes in girls who are in family situations that are harmful or unsafe.

City Heat, an R&B group, is headlining the event with music starting at 7pm and local hair stylists have volunteered to do haircuts, make up, or manicures for $10 starting at 4 pm.

Kindred Communications has other charity nights planned for the remainder of the summer. Next week is Pack the Backpack night, benefitting the Facing Hunger Food bank.

“We do a lot of charity nights at Pullman Square. It’s a community event, and we like to help out our community,” said Reeves Kirtner, Associate General Manager at Kindred Communications, “Coming up next week is Pack the Backpack Night, which benefits the Facing Hunger Food Bank. We are going to celebrate Heiner’s Bakery’s 110th Anniversary in August, and we have a Marshall night with players, coaches, the band, cheerleaders to kick off the season.”

Selecting the bands for the Heiner Summer Concert Series is something that doesn’t end. Kindred Communications is always looking for new music to showcase for the Huntington area.

“We are always looking for new bands and artists. A lot of bands will call us and send us information. We get a lot of recommendations from other bands, or employees of our company will have a band they like and at the beginning of the year we will look at everyone we like and put them on the schedule,” Kirtner said, “We try to have a diverse crop of musicians — we have everything from jam bands, country acts, classic rock cover bands, soul — we’ve even had bluegrass.”

Although the weather has not been pleasant the Heiner Summer Concert Series has not faced a decline in attendance because of the rain and storms.

“It’s a great place to catch up with your friends, and hear some live music,” Kirtner said, “Listen to a little music, then go get a bite to eat, and come back and finish the night!”

Shalee Rogney can be contacted at