Time to say goodbye

As my time at Marshall comes to a close and I am forced to reminisce on the time I have spent here — during very formative years of my life. It is crazy to think this is the last Parthenon edition that I will ever edit. Farewells mark significant departures, which remains true for this one. I am not sure when I will step foot on this campus again, but that is okay because I know I have made the most of my experiences here. Each time I leave a place that has greatly impacted me, I can’t help but think of the farewell speech “Wear Sunscreen” given by Mary Schmich. If you haven’t read it, I suggest you do ASAP. 

I transferred to Marshall in the spring of 2019 from a small school in Western Colorado, knowing absolutely no one. It was a rough transition, but it passed, as all things do. I can thank my peers and professors for helping me build a strong community at this school. I have had some of the best days of my life here and some of the worst. I found a safe place within the Marshall English department, where I was able to express myself and seek refuge when need be. Shoutout to Professor Joni Magnusson for not only being an amazing mentor but also for helping me find my niche in professional writing studies. Oftentimes, when we make connections, we don’t think much of them until we have time to reflect, which is what I am doing now. 

I have done it all — as far college cliches are concerned. I have stayed up all night studying for tests, I have written papers an hour before they were due, I have cried because I don’t understand topographical maps or carbon dating, I have threatened myself with dropping out, but most importantly, I have become a better me in the process. More calloused and dead inside? Sure. More self-assured and content? Absolutely. Marshall has made me a more well-rounded person who has learned to face adversity head-on. 

Although I didn’t hold a job on campus, I was fortunate enough to work with other students, who have become some of my very best friends. I found a strong community through Christopher’s Eats, and as cheesy as it may sound, they have become my family over the past two years. Thank you so much Chris and Laura Dixon for providing me with these connections.   

I have also found a home within the Parthenon this past semester. The people in this organization are some of the kindest and most welcoming people I have ever had the pleasure of working with. I have been able to sharpen my editing skills, as well as build personal and professional relationships. My only regret is that I joined so late in my college career. Thank you, Sandy York and Brittany Hively, for your patience and help navigating this process. 

In times like these, we, as humans, tend to romanticize our experiences and memories. I will hold these memories close to my heart, but I am also very excited for the next step. I have been in school my whole life, so I am ready to focus on other things. I am moving to Maine next month, and I am anxious to see what opportunities await me there. I cannot wait to read books for pleasure and write casually. So, I end with this; thank you, Marshall. First and foremost, thank you professors for educating me and teaching me how to communicate and think critically. Thank you to my classmates who have suffered and rejoiced alongside me. Thank you to the Parthenon staff for helping me grow as an editor and encouraging me to put my best foot forward. Thank you to my friends for the constant support and willingness to listen. I am able to walk out of this institution with a smile on my face and a heart full of gratitude. Near or far, I will always be a daughter of Marshall University.