Theater dept. releases 2016-2017 lineup

The Marshall University theater released their line up for the fall and spring semester, which allows students and the community to see the upcoming productions.
The 2016 and 2017 theatre season includes “Picnic,” “A Christmas Carol,” “Circle Mirror Transformation,” “Guys & Dolls,” “Antigone” and “The Huntington Nutcracker.”
Sam Kincaid, project coordinator for the school of theatre, said the most exciting part about the lineup is the diversity that it will bring this season.
“That’s what the faculty strives to give the students the four years here in the program,” Kincaid said. “Whether they’re performance major or design major, what they want to do is give the students as wide a breadth of experience as possible.”
Kincaid said that performing and visual art students are not the only ones allowed to audition for productions put on by the university.
“There is something for everybody,” Kincaid said. “Any Marshall University student who is currently enrolled, because they pay activities fees towards this program, they can audition for any show. If you check towards the end of each semester you can see the audition dates announced and the requirements in terms of what they might need to prepare and things like that.”
Barry Westmoreland, business and management student at Marshall University, said he also has a heart for theatre and has recently found himself among new friends in the program.
“My favorite thing about Marshall’s theatre are the people and getting the chance to perform,” Westmoreland said. “When it comes to auditioning, always be prepared. If you forget a word or sentence in your monologue, take a second to recover and go back into it. Continue to just breathe and relax and everything is going to be okay.”
Westmoreland said the best advice is to get involved with those from previous productions.
“Get to know the theatre major students,” Westmoreland said. “So many personalities, quirks, fun and talented people make up Marshall’s theatre. For someone undecided due to nervousness, I recommend just taking the risk. There are so many opportunities available.”
Tickets for the productions are located at the box office in the Joan C. Edwards Playhouse and are free to all currently enrolled Marshall students with a valid I.D.
Members of the community can purchase a ticket at $20 and ages 60 and over, including staff, have tickets available to them at $15.
Tickets may be purchased from Monday through Friday from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and people have up until 90 minutes before any production to grab their ticket at the door.
Christian Davis can be contacted at [email protected].
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