Master photographer coaches beginners in Barboursville, Hurricane, and Charleston
More stories from Rob Engle

On Monday evenings from 5:30-7:30 at the Barboursville Hobby Lobby, Laura Moul spends her time doing what she loves, teaching photography.
Moul is a certified Master Photographer and Craftsman Photographer by the Professional Photographers of America. Moul is one of only 3 percent of professional photographers in the United States that have achieved national certification from the Professional Photographic Certification Commission.
Moul has always been a teacher at heart. She originally taught special education in schools but fell in love with photography when she began advising a yearbook class.
Years later, Moul’s work has been juried into galleries in West Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky. Moul’s photography has been included in the Best of West Virginia at the Tamarack and this year’s Juried Exhibition at the Culture Center in Charleston.
Despite her accomplishments, Moul stays grounded. Moul makes her classes available to everyone, offering beginner and intermediate classes in Barboursville, Hurricane and Charleston to photographers of all skill levels.
“This class isn’t about what I’ve accomplished, it’s about what I want people to enjoy.” Moul said. “My favorite part is people discovering the joy of photography with equipment that originally overwhelmed them.”
Whether her students have a digital camera, DSLR or just a smartphone, Moul said she meets them where they are at, for what they need.
“These classes are for people to get the most out of the camera they already have.” Moul said. “We go over some basic photo tips and camera settings. I also do a lot of hands-on activities with aperture and shutter and teach what to do with the images, how to manage them.”
Ona resident, Debbie Martin, said sifting through her mass of digital photos is why she takes the course.
“I’m taking this class to learn how to manage all my photos. I have them on CDs, flash drives, computers, my phone. I need to get all that organized.” Martin said. “Digital photography is mammoth now and I’m just one example of someone who needs help.”
Hobby Lobby shopper, Cynthia Johnson, said taking this class could help her personal business.
“I sew and make children’s clothing and accessories, so I’d love to be able to take better pictures for my advertisements.” Johnson said. “I think its wonderful. In this areas there’s not a lot of things like this available.”
Additional dates for beginner classes are scheduled for Monday, September 21 and Monday, September 28 in Barboursville.
Intermediate classes are scheduled to begin in October.
Rob can be contacted at [email protected].
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