BodyShots seeking submissions

BodyShots, an annual multimedia art event at Marshall University, is seeking submissions for its upcoming 13th installation, titled “Witch, Please.” 

“We are looking to sort of celebrate the history and the literature and just the concept of witches from a positive and artistic kind of thing,” Hilary Brewster, assistant producer of BodyShots, said. “We feel like the tie in of lucky 13 and witches goes well together.” 

Proposals can be submitted from now until Dec. 13 via a form that can be scanned from a QR code on event flyers. Brewster said she will send the link to anyone who needs one if they email her at [email protected]. 

“We are really looking for people to interpret the theme of witches in any artistic or intellectual medium that they are compelled toward,” Brewster said. “Almost anything goes, and we do take video submissions, whether that be a narrative film or whatever, but we do try to limit the numbers of videos just because it is a live performance event.” 

The event in which the works will be displayed will take place Tuesday, Feb. 25 in the Don Morris Room in the Memorial Student Center. The show typically runs roughly one hour long and is followed by snacks.

Brewster said BodyShots is open to live dance performances, creative fiction, poems, documentaries, mini lectures, live and video comedy, creative interpretation of texts and more. It is requested that each piece be no longer than 10 minutes. 

“We’ve had so many historical instances of witch hunts of women and men, but especially women, being burned at the stake or stoned to death, so there is a lot of history that is coming out,” Brewster said. “But also, there is how witches are portrayed in film or in literature, so we really try to have a theme that anyone from across the university can get involved with.” 

Brewster said people should get involved because it is a good way to display art to a wide audience.

“It’s a really well-attended event every year, and this year the space is even bigger so we’re hoping for increased attendance,” Brewster said. “Also, it’s a really great way to have your creative and intellectual work enjoyed by a large, supportive audience who’s just really there to see the talents across the university.” 

Summer Jewell can be contacted at [email protected].