Letter to the Editor

Dear President-elect Donald J. Trump,

First, congratulations.

The 2016 Presidential Election was the first election that I was old enough to vote in, and man was it a historical one. I am going to be completely honest and say I was not your biggest fan. Through-out the primary I did everything I could to promote Anti-Trump and went against your campaign in every single way that I could, then the primary ended. As I was given the options of Hillary Clinton, yourself and the third parties, I was faced with a hard choice.

In the primary I never supported Hillary Clinton, I never have, and I was not about to start now. My thoughts on you were all over the place considering your bad reputation on the media, but being a journalism major I know how corrupt the media can be so don’t worry I understand. Being in school I voted through an absentee ballot, and I struggled with my vote for around a week before I made the choice too check your name.

I made the choice to vote Donald Trump because I want change, I want my voice heard and I want to unite America. So I am asking you this President Trump, as registered liberal that has put their faith and support in you, to please not let me and my generation down. Please take the faith we have put in you and run with it and do great things. I had my doubts about you but I am not like the others. You ARE my President, and WE are the future.

As I end this message I would like to say that I am proud to be an american and I am proud to live in the country I do.

Thank You.

Jesse McLain