Among the big changes that college students have faced is life in the residence halls.
The coronavirus pandemic caused everyone to move out of the dorms in the spring, but now students can live on campus while following proper health guidelines of wearing masks along with limited occupancy in the common areas.
Maddie Bostick, a junior majoring in dietetics, said it feels different because she feels there is less people living in the dorms.
“Due to corona, there’s less people hanging out in the lobbies and such,” Bostick said.
Before the pandemic started, Marshall University had a bustling campus filled with students heading to classes and multiple events being held.
However, student presence has decreased drastically this semester.
Kristen Shomo, a senior biology major, said people just come in and go to their rooms shutting themselves off from meeting new people.
“Occasionally, there are a few people that will play ping pong in the lobby, but nowhere near how many people used to always play,” Shomo said.
Shomo said it is weird only allowing two people on the elevator or in the laundry room.
She said it is also weird always having to wear a mask in the hallways.
“It’s a new way of life now and hopefully we can get things back to normal soon,” Shomo said.
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