DEANS’ WELCOME: Teresa Eagle of the College of Education and Professional Development

On behalf of all of us in the College of Education and Professional Development, it is a pleasure to welcome you to Marshall University. In making the choice to come to Marshall, you have made a decision that is setting you on the road to your future, a road that can take you wherever you want to go. It’s a new beginning – you’ve left high school behind, and the options you have in front of you are many. So here are some words of advice as you become one of the “Herd.” First, have an open mind. You will be having experiences unlike what you have had in the past. You’ll hear ideas that may differ from your own, meet people from across the country and across the world with different languages and different customs, and you will be faced with opportunities that you have not before imagined. Second, balance that open mind with thoughtful and considerate responses; in other words, make good decisions. Your life will be richer for looking beyond yourself and your past experience.

While college is a chance to be more independent, it does not mean you are totally on your own. Remember there are advisors, counselors and other individuals who are here to help you, answer your questions, and provide you with support to succeed.

We in the COEPD are excited to start a new academic year, and meet all of our new freshmen. Exciting things are happening in education – it’s a great time to be a teacher!